Word From The Founder ...
If there must subsist a universal legal concept designed to direct the conduct of Nations, it is assuredly the unequivocal form through which subscribing jurisdictions foresee the legislative expression of transnational guarantees enshrining a humanitarian ideal. Therefore, what Rule of Law of universal significance aims at protecting Human Rights while providing sanctions against arbitrary rule? Undoubtedly the kind that ensures the safeguard and valorization of Human Dignity and Worth! Where Law is a constraining ideal sanctioned by rule is where the Rule of Law governs the prescriptions of laws through regulatory control of their administration. Designed to secure valid procedural and substantive guarantees owed to the governed by governing authorities, the EQUITAS Rule of Law Certification program (EQROLC) is all about the definition of valid Law, the evaluation of the legitimacy of governing affairs and the enforcement of sanctions against arbitrary rule. The bilingual EQROLC.CA portal offers a legal window to superior Law. It belongs to us -- as Citizens of the World -- to cater to a Rule of Law which knows no boundary, a Rule of Law that represses oppression -- a priori, a Rule of Law which safeguards and valorizes Human Dignity and Worth... the EQUITAS way! Regere Secundum. Daniel Couture |